Sunday, December 9, 2007

Not dead. Just sleeping

It's been a while since I've put the RBH notes in front of myself. Partly because my computer crashed at the end of October, and I lost all my original notes. But mostly because I've had so many other projects on my plate at once.

But a couple of random fans woke my Hack-inspiration-bug this week and I'm back on it. If you haven't already seen it, check out their actual play post here.

So, I've decided that I'm going to put my nose back on this particular gindstone and try to have a new and improved document available by the end of the week.


Unknown said...

Wahoo ! I can't say how happy I am.

But fear the POWER OF FANDOM : you can expect another actual play thread soon, since I played a one on one game with my wife's brother last saturday night. It was a blast.

I think I have a much better grasp on the use of arenas and on monsters construction. More to come...

Thanks again for this great game.

Antoine F

Jerome said...

That is indeed great news, Eric!

I'll add a little comment: it would be great to have a permanent link to the pdf on the front page (maybe just for the next version). I had trouble finding the file of the current version, until I noticed the small "older post" an the bottom of the page and I went mining into the archives...

If we can help, do not hesitate to ask!

Unknown said...

Actual play posted and not once but twice :
- about the story part of the game : here

- about rules stuff : here